Foot Bruise, Causes, Treatment

Foot Bruise

Foot Bruise, Causes, Treatment

If the upper part of your foot is covered in purplish-blue bruises, you might be very worried about them. We understand your concern and want to help you out. In this blog post, we will discuss what causes bruises on top of the foot and treat them.

A bruise is a form of minor injury resulting from the blood vessels beneath the skin getting damaged. It results in a large patch of discolored skin and sometimes can be painful to touch.

Causes of bruises on foot

Here are some common causes of bruises on foot:


A contusion results from an injury to soft tissues such as fat, muscle, and blood vessels. It results from blunt trauma, which can be due to a direct blow or indirect force. It can appear either as a small lump on top of your foot or a large circular bruise.

Contusions are external bruising compared to bruises, which are due to blood bleeding under the skin. Contusions are painful and can be tender. They may be accompanied by swelling.


Hematomas are a collection of blood under the skin caused by internal bleeding from broken blood vessels or ruptured blood vessels. These occur when blood vessels burst or are otherwise damaged, allowing blood to pool under the skin.

A hematoma differs from a contusion in that it develops large, discolored patches, which will, over time, become hardened masses of scar tissue.

In some cases, they can also result from surgery or trauma. Foot hematomas are a type of bruising in which significant bleeding results in blood pooling under the skin at the injury site. The resulting congested area can be large or small and appears as a lump underneath the skin that feels firm and painful.


Purpura is the name for bruising that happens when blood leaks out of tiny blood vessels in your skin and forms a bruise. The bruises can show up on any part of your body, including the tops of your feet.

There are many causes for purpura, including vascular malformations, medication use, trauma, and other conditions. The discoloration from this condition is usually the result of broken vessels from capillary bleeding in the area.

In most cases, purpura isn’t the result of trauma but various diseases, disorders, and medications, such as aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), antibiotics, and antihistamines.

Poorly fitting shoes

Several things can cause bruises on top of the foot, but poorly fitting shoes and the lack of support they provide may be the most common cause. When you walk around in well-fitting shoes, your foot usually does not hit against anything when you step down.

For example, wearing sandals with poor arch support allows you to walk with a limp, which stresses the toes. As a result, it is not uncommon for bruises to appear on top of the foot.

Age, gender, and lifestyle

Some specific conditions and factors cause bruising on the top of the foot. As a general rule, certain age groups, gender, and activities tend to develop bruises on top of the foot. One or all of these factors can contribute to this condition.

Due to the changes in the structure of tissues and bones as you age, it becomes more common to bruise on the top of the foot. In addition, if you are female (females generally bruise easily than men) or a runner, the possibility of bruising on the top of the foot increases.

Treatment for Foot Bruises

The main factor behind foot bruises is increased pressure on veins in the leg that can result from walking or standing too long. The treatment for your foot bruises depends on why they occurred and whether you have other injuries.

While a bruise might seem harmless, it is best to consult a doctor, given the fact that it can become infected and lead to other issues down the road.


Foot bruises happen due to a few reasons. Bruises develop as a result of minor or significant trauma to the foot. Trauma such as walking on a sharp item, running injuries, and even in rare cases for no apparent reason can cause bruising.

If you can correctly diagnose what is causing the bruises on your feet, you can find the proper treatment. This will allow blood to flow correctly into the tissue, reducing pain, swelling, and bruising.

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