At a certain point in our lives, most of us will experience the unpleasant discomfort caused by an abscess. An abscess, also known as a boil, is an enclosed sac filled with liquid tissues or pus.
This condition is caused by bacterial (staphylococcus aureus) entrance through nick or cuts in your skin. Abscess development is the body’s immune response to fighting foreign infection.
An abscess can occur in any part of the body; however, it is common on the skin’s surfaces, such as under the Armpit. Since most abscesses don’t require professional experience to determine a suitable treatment course, you can easily treat them at home.
Abscesses are frequently characterized by red or a bumpy pink colouration on the skin. On rare occasions, an abscess can be overbearing and causes extreme discomfort.
If you or your loved ones experience this condition, you can schedule an appointment with your doctor to perform minor surgery to drain out the pus.
What Are The Causes Of Abscess?
As established, an abscess under your Armpit is frequently caused by the presence of bacteria in your hair follicles. This bacteria enters the body when shaving nicks or causing a tiny cut in the skin. Other causes of the abscess under your Armpit include;
Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) Underarm
Hidradenitis Suppurativa is a medical condition causing the inflammation of the apocrine glands due to the formation of cysts after an infection.
This can result in the development of an abscess under your Armpit. A common symptom of this condition includes Itching, Pain and tenderness in the skin underarms.
The most suitable treatment course for Hidradenitis Suppurativa depends on the size and severity of the developed cyst. Your doctor may use a surgical needle or perform a medical procedure to drain the pus in extreme cases.
Ingrown Hair in the Armpit
Bad shaving methods can cause ingrown hairs in your Armpit (a sideways growth of armpit air). The hair follicles that don’t grow properly will accumulate and fill with pus.
Most times, ingrown hair resolves without special treatment. However, on rare occasions, you may need the service of a licensed practitioner such as a dermatologist to prevent complications.
Diabetes is a chronic ailment and can trigger abscess development in the Armpit. According to the CDC National Diabetes Statistic Report, in 2020, approximately 10.5 % of American adults have diabetes.
Diabetes prevents your body from maintaining a healthy glucose level in the blood. While diabetes does not directly cause abscesses under your Armpit, an unregulated blood sugar level increases the risk of bacterial infection, which triggers the development of an abscess.
Excessive sweat and Poor hygiene
Suppose you do not wash your underarms frequently and sweat excessively. In that case, you might be opening yourself up to infections, as excess dirt and dead skin may build up under your Armpit, which triggers the abscess formation under your Armpit.
If an abscess frequently occurs under your Armpit or in different areas of your body, seek a medical consult for proper diagnosis, as this might be a sign of an underlying medical condition.
Symptoms Of Abscess Under The Armpit
Symptoms of abscesses may range from a mild nuisance to harrowing experience and include:
- A pinky-red bump
- Pains and discomfort in that area
- Fever and sickly feelings may occur if the infection spreads into deeper tissue.
- Itchy sensation around the bumpy region in your underarm
Major discomfort caused by abscess is the inflammation of surrounding tissues around the affected area.
How to Treat Abscess
Treatment courses recommended by your physician vary depending on the size and location of the abscess. While abscess isn’t a cause for significant concern, it is important to avoid picking or squeezing the affected area as this can introduce bacteria from your hands to the affected area.
Follow these simple home remedies to aid quick recovery.
- Apply warm compress several times daily to relieve swellings
- Use antibacterial soap to wash the infected area
- Use painkillers such as acetaminophen to relieve discomfort
If symptoms persist after a prolonged time, consult a professional for diagnosis and treatment. Your doctor may drain the fluid or cut open the boil to remove the infected pus. After that, your doctor will prescribe antibiotics to aid a quick recovery.
Most abscesses we experience in our lifetime are usually around the skin and tooth; however, they can also develop within our internal organs. To prevent frequent recurrence of abscesses, focus on keeping both your body and environment clean.