Flu Season in Texas

Flu Season in Texas

Flu Season in Texas

Flu Season in Texas: What You Need to Know and How to Stay Protected

As we navigate the brisk winter months, it’s crucial to be mindful of the persistent flu threat, especially here in Texas, where flu activity can extend through May.  Let’s get to understand more about the Flu Season in Texas that we are living today.

While the typical flu season in the United States spans from October to February, the Lone Star State sees its fair share of cases year-round, which is why it’s so important to stay informed and take preventive measures to avoid infection.

At Post Oak ER, the finest emergency room in Houston, Texas, we’re happy to provide you with the emergency care that you need to help prevent and treat potential complications of flu season.


Flu Season in Texas

Key Facts About the Flu

Influenza, commonly known as the flu, is a highly transmissible respiratory illness caused by a virus that undergoes annual mutations.

The peak of flu infections in Texas occurs between December and February, with transmission happening through tiny respiratory droplets expelled when infected individuals cough, sneeze, or talk.

Flu Season in Texas recent statistics

Image source: dhs.texas.gov

Common Flu Symptoms

It’s essential to recognize the symptoms of the flu, which include:

  • Fever or feverish chills
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Body or muscle aches
  • Headaches
  • Tiredness
  • Vomiting or diarrhea (more common in children)

While most people will recover within two weeks, it’s important to remember that individuals with chronic illnesses such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease may face greater challenges recovering from the flu or be at an increased risk of severe illness.

Flu Season in Texas flu symptoms

Flu Prevention – How to Stay Protected

Adopting preventive measures is crucial because the flu virus can lurk in various environments such as daycare facilities, schools, offices, stores, restaurants, and gyms.

To help keep yourself and your loved ones protected, consider the following:

  • Wash your hands regularly.
  • Cover your coughs and sneezes.
  • Stay home from school or work if feeling unwell.
  • Disinfect shared surfaces like doorknobs, handles, and keyboards regularly.
  • Consider getting a flu shot to prevent severe illness.
flu prevention

The influenza virus is highly transmissible, and no matter how careful you are, there is always a risk of infection.

If you experience moderate to severe flu symptoms or complications, don’t hesitate to visit Post Oak ER.

We remain your trusted partner in emergency care, open 24/7 and staffed with knowledgeable and caring doctors and nurses.

Your health and well-being are paramount, and Post Oak ER is here to provide the prompt and attentive care you deserve.

As we approach the flu peak season, stay vigilant, stay healthy, and remember that prevention is your best defense against the flu.

We Are Here to Help

If you or a loved one experiences emergency warning signs, seeking prompt medical attention is crucial. Remember, the law protects your right to emergency care during an emergency, and timely treatment can make a significant difference in recovery.

Post Oak ER, Your Emergency Care Partner!

In times of need, Post Oak ER is always available to provide high-quality emergency medical care. Whether you’re dealing with flu-related complications or any other medical emergency, our experienced healthcare professionals are here to support you.

At Post Oak ER, we believe everyone should have access to quality medical emergency care near them in a comfortable and convenient location that offers advanced technology and skilled medical professionals.

best emergency care for the whole family

Where to go in Case of an Emergency?

At Post Oak ER, our doors remain open to provide care for you and your family.

Looking for the best quality 24-hour Emergency Room services?

If an emergency strikes, you have a choice! At Post Oak ER we’re open during all weekends, and holidays & offer FREE Medical Screening! There is no need to risk your health or your life. Get help from the ER experts when you need it, visit us immediately at 5018 San Felipe St, Houston, TX 77056


Post Oak ER Emergency Room Houston Fast Open 24/7

You may call us, check in online, or walk-in as we are always open.

Get back on track to enjoying life, FAST! Here you will find experienced, effective and caring emergency physicians as well as the best on-site ER technology for everything from minor to major injuries and conditions.

  • CT Scan, Digital X-Ray & Ultrasound
  • Certified Full-Service Diagnostic Laboratory
  • Specialized Pediatrics ER Care Facilities

#PostOakER is the best emergency room near you offering fast, quality ER Care 24/7.

We treat the whole family from pediatrics to adults.
Have any questions or need emergency medical care right now? Give us a call:  (832) 581-2277
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